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Continue ShoppingBy now you probably already know that Cozy Cake is the perfect combination with a good cup of coffee or tea, any time of the day, great to share with friends and family in casual and festive gatherings. And it's also a big hit in work meetings and corporate events all over Adelaide.
But how could we make your morning tea even better? How do we help you enjoy every minute of that tough work meeting?
We found the answer. Add some traditional Brazilian cheese puffs, aka "pao-de-queijo", alongside your coffee and Cozy Cake. This savoury specialty snack was invented in the state of Minas Gerais, very famous for its countryside style dishes, and spread like fire all over the country to become a national staple.
If you want to learn more about Pao-de Queijo, check out this wikipedia article. But if you want to delight yourself, your family and coleagues at work, just order 2 or 3 packs with 10 cheese puffs and enjoy! By the way, they just happen to be gluten free.
Total Net Weight: 300 grams
Ingredients: tapioca flour, parmesan cheese, cheddar cheese, oil, full cream milk powder, eggs, salt.
Cheese Puffs - Pack With 10 (GF)
I am very familiar with Cosy Cakes and their splendid products. And a very big fan of their delicious Cheese Puffs. However, I made the mistake of ordering a pack of 10 together with an Apple and Cinnamon cake (my favourite!) for pick up at 4pm. The cake was superb, as usual, but I suspect the Cheese Puffs had been sitting in the warmer all day. They were hard on the bottom and leathery all over - not something I wanted to put in front of my guests. Moral of the story
is collect your Cheese Puffs early in the day for a really delicious product! Ideally they should be eaten as soon as produced.
.. and they are to die for. Not sickly sweet and the no artificial flavours and preservatives. I avoid the margarine because we aren’t severely lactose intolerant. We have always preferred butter over margarine because we avoid PUFAs for health reasons. Google it.
Would be great with a filler of salmon
These are light and tasty. Perfect treat to serve with a drink.
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